This is what we value


We at ReiCat have grown considerably in recent years. This is wonderful and brings with it further challenges and changes. This is how our team has grown and continues to do so, which makes us very happy.

Our exhaust air solutions and gas treatment systems offer our customers worldwide qualified and sustainable solutions to their problems. As an innovative technology company, we enable our customers to produce from and with gases in an environmentally friendly way.

We have a great responsibility not only to our customers but also to our employees.

As a company, we define ourselves through our quality and our commitment to sustainability.
Our understanding of continuous improvement is based on this, supported by the combination of many years of experience and fresh impulses in interdisciplinary cooperation.

Our values shape our daily interactions and are essential for both new colleagues and the old hands among us.

These values support us and provide orientation for a wide range of equally complex tasks. Of course, our corporate values are always a topic for discussion - because individual understanding varies. And that's a good thing: We remain focused and work towards consensus - with trust, tolerance, and mutual respect.

Because that's what we value! 


Interested in joining our team? For more details on your possibilities, check our career page:

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