Significant: Exhaust Air Purification for Industrial Metal Coating

Special coatings for metal surfaces ensure long-term preservation of the components and, in addition, a good visual appearance. Important for the aerospace industry are metal applications with low weight, which nevertheless withstand extreme loads and high pressure. High mechanical as well as chemical resistance is also important in transportation, metal & automotive construction.

The evaporating solvents occurring during the metal coating process, in this case methanol, propanol or ethanol, must be removed from the exhaust air.

This ReiCat Exhaust Air Purification System in use has a capacity of 1,200 Nm³/h. Naturally, it meets the requirements of TA-Luft and purifies to ≤ 50 mg/Nm³ VOC. In this case, heat recovery also ensures good energy efficiency. The plant shown has a footprint of about 4.5 m² with a plant height of about 4 m plus chimney and is located outdoors including the control cabinet.

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