ReiCat proudly takes part in one of Germany’s largest green hydrogen plants

ReiCat H2 purification for electroylsis
ReiCat H2 purification for electroylsis


This Hydrogen Purification system has already been on its way mid of December 2021. In summer 2022 Germany’s largest carbon-free hydrogen generation plant is planned to go into operation. The hydrogen produced from renewables like wind and sun is using PEM electrolysis. The production of up to 1,350 tons of H2 per year is expected to save up to 13,500 tons of CO2 (source: Siemens). The ReiCat Hydrogen Purification Unit takes care of impurity removal.

Our Hydrogen Purification solution ensures a hydrogen production with a purity better than 99.999 %, optionally higher. This ReiCat system is especially suited for volatile current respectively volume flows. Working in a closed circuit with zero emissions and lowest energy consumptions it has no losses. The systems distinguishes itself with a short amortisation period and long lifetimes.

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