• Products
  • ReiCat Catalysts - Waste Air Purification (Coffee Roasting)
  • Gourmet / Industrial
  • ReiCatino®

ReiCat Catalysts for Coffee Roasting

Catalizzatori ReiCat – Speciale Caffè

Visit our homepage www.reicat-coffee.com
especially for coffee roasters.

ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY and cost-efficient TECHNOLOGY that neutralises smoke AND ODOUR PlumeS

During the coffee roasting process, harmful substances (VOCs, formaldehyde, NOx) arise mainly in the form of hydrocarbons (CxHy), which are dangerous for health and environment. 

Additional fumes and unpleasant odours occur during this process. 
With the ReiCat Catalyst the micro particles, odours, smoke, plumes and hydrocarbons are converted into harmless substances such as water vapour (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by using a combination of techniques.

In recent years there has been a continuous increase of rules and regulations regarding atmospheric emissions for the coffee roasting process. This forces more and more companies operating in the coffee roasting sector to take measures for limiting atmospheric emissions.

ReiCat provides the necessary purification systems for coffee roasters (both small and medium scale companies up to internationally renowned companies) enhancing the neutralisation of smoke, plumes and odours complying with environmental legislation and significant energy savings.

ReiCat catalysts are suitable for all types of roasters (starting from 1 kg up to industrial scale 720 kg/batch) and beside the ReiCatino® for smallest roasteries devides into these two main categories:


The ReiCat Gourmet catalyst provides a compact solution for small and medium coffee roasters to neutralise smoke and odours plumes.

  • Suitable for roasters from 30 kg up to 60 kg per batch

Using the electrically powered catalyst ReiCatino® also smallest coffee roaster can neutralise smoke and odours plumes.

  • Suitable for roasters from up to 30 kg per batch


The ReiCat Industrial catalyst is designed for medium and large coffee roasters. ReiCat provides a system that allows companies to comply with the environmental limits and reduce the energy consumption.

  • Suitable for roasters from 60 kg up to 720 kg/batch



  • Reduction of operating temperature from 650-750°C (thermal incineration) to 380°C (catalytic incineration with ReiCat catalyst)
  • Drastic reduction of energy consumption (at least 50% less compared to thermal incineration)


  • Reduction of TOC (Total Organic Carbon) below the limit of 35 mg/Nm³ and Formaldehyde (< 15 mg/Nm³)
  • Neutralisation of smoke plumes
  • Effective neutralisation of odours (... and so no more problems with the neighbours)

Our goal is to set new standards with the ReiCat catalytic system and to provide an energy efficient and environmentally friendly solution to coffee roasters. Through our participation in the Italian Group of Coffee Roasters (Gruppo Italiano Torrefattori Caffè) and the membership in the German Coffee Association (Deutscher Kaffeeverband), ReiCat is in a great position to promote our catalysts with all the benefits for our international customers.

ReiCat Catalysts for Coffee Roasting

Visit our homepage www.reicat-coffee.com
especially for coffee roasters.

Caused by the needs of smallest roasteries the electrically powered ReiCatino®-catalyst for shop roasters was developed. The ReiCatino® neutralises smoke and odour plumes. Its features are easy handling and low maintenance and it is suitable for all roaster types (also see ReiCat product information).


Suitable for roasters up to 5 kg per batch; capacity up to 100 Nm³/h


Suitable for roasters form 5 up to 30 kg per batch with a capacity of up to 450 Nm³/h

Advantages of ReiCatino®

> neutralisation of smoke plumes

> effective neutralisation of odour plumes (… and therefore a happy neighbourhood)

Within the framework of the energy technology export initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Energy and Economy, AHK Italia organised a showcase which focused on some best-practise cases on the subject energy efficiency in industrial and commercial environments. ReiCat received the award „use of innovative energy efficiency technology” made in Germany.

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